Submit your Master Thesis
The Master is an important diploma, and unlike doctoral dissertations, the research dissertation made to obtain this diploma is not officially
listed by university libraries. The purpose of this section is to allow you to send us your Master thesis so that it can be published on the site
and accessible to all. This publication will not only advertise your work but also help other students in their studies.
We accept all Master thesis, whatever the faculty you are from (Sport, Biology, physiotherapy, medicine, dentist, etc.) and
your specialty (biomechanics, physiology, sociology, psychology, etc.). However, the theme must necessarily be linked to the field of
sports and physical activities.
To submit your Master thesis, it's very easy :
- Download the publication authorization throughout the link below.
- Fill and sign this document. This document states that you authorize us to give free access to your Master thesis but that you still retain all your copyright.
- Join with this document your Master thesis in a format ".doc", ".docx" or ".pdf"
- Join also an abstract of 250 words.
- Create a compressed file (".zip" ou ".rar") containing all these documents. Name this file as follow : "name-surname".
- Then, use the submission form below to send us your compressed file with all the documents.
Submission form :
- Only one file has to be uploaded.
- The uploaded file has to be in a ".zip" or ".rar" format.
- The maximal size of the uploaded file has to be 16Mo.
- Check the e-mail that you're giving, it will be used to contact you and announce you the date of the online publication of your Master thesis.
- Once you have filled the form, click on Submit.
- If the message "Uploaded with success !" appears, this means that we will receive your paper. Otherwise, try again and check your e-mail and the size of the file.
- We will let you know very quickly that we received your file.
We remind you that you can quote articles by limiting your quotation to 200 words maximum and you must include a nominative
link to this one. Any other use, especially copying in full on forum, website or any other content, is strictly prohibited.
In doubt, contact us.