Static stretching is mainly associated with improving flexibility and joint mobility, but it could also have an impact on the development of muscle strength and hypertrophy. Could the effects of static stretching compete with traditional strength training?
Adequate sleep duration is important for optimal health and longevity, but new data show that sleep regularity may be even more important. But is it really the case?
Faced with the alarming rise in the prevalence of overweight and obesity, and their consequences on health, how effective are certain dietary interventions compared to drug treatments for weight loss?
Blood flow restriction training is an effective alternative for using light loads and achieving the same benefits in muscle strength and hypertrophy as with traditional strength training. But is there an optimal way to use it?
When the forearm is pronated/supinated, the radius rotates on itself. This movement should have no influence on the internal lever arm of the triceps, which attaches to the ulna… But is that really the case?
Age-related changes in the brain include a reduction in gray matter volume, which is thought to be directly influenced by our level of physical activity and body composition. Can these factors slow cerebral aging and improve cognitive health in the long term?
The popularity of BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) rests mainly on the fact that they are said to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and reduce proteolysis, thus promulgating a positive net protein balance. But are they really necessary?
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The Sci-Sport Team
The Elastic Band Resistance - A Scientific Approach to Performance, Health, and Fitness is the first book to explain the biomechanical and physiological principles that underlie elastic resistance and the value of this resistance in humans . At a time when sports equipment available to consumers, coaches and physical trainers are legion, the authors, both doctors in biomechanics and sports science, dispel misunderstandings and discard the misconceptions about elastic bands training. By combining theoretical explanations based on a hundred of scientific references and examples of practical applications, this book highlights the unsuspected qualities of resistance bands for all publics.
The Elastic Band Resistance - A Scientific Approach to Performance, Health, and Fitness addresses different aspects: sports performance to illustrate the potential gains in speed, strength and power, health to demonstrate interest in prevention and rehabilitation injury and fitness to explain the benefits on the musculoskeletal system of a workout with elastic bands for any public. A collection of illustrated exercises and training programs adapted to all are also available. As a guide, this book will explain many concepts while remaining accessible to larger numbers and creating a bridge between scientific knowledge and field applications.
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