Energy deficiency impacts anabolic hormone production and protein synthesis, which is usually accompanied by a loss of lean body mass. But what impact would a caloric deficit created through diet have on responses to resistance training?
Rightly or wrongly, running is one of the most recommended forms of exercise for reducing obesity and improving general health. But what are the biomechanical characteristics and associated risks of this activity in overweight/obese children?
Positive healthy behaviours usually lead to others in their wake. For example, engaging in sport often leads to healthier eating habits. However, alcohol consumption does not necessarily follow the same trajectory. And the relationship between physical activity and alcohol consumption is not as obvious as it seems.
Ultra-processed foods have often been associated with cardiovascular disease, but is there a preventive link with mortality from these diseases?
Maximal strength is inversely correlated with cardiovascular risks and mortality. Mainly due to our lifestyle, a decline in strength is observed from the age of 40 and accelerates between the ages of 50 and 70. Will specific strength training benefit everyone, regardless of age, gender or genetics ?
Accelerated loss of muscle mass is often seen in postmenopausal women. While resistance training is an ideal solution to this, the recommended intensity for increasing muscle mass may be too high for some women. Can beneficial effects be obtained with light loads ? And if so, with which workout frequency ?
Longevity has increased hand in hand with radical changes in our lifestyles where malnutrition, sedentary behavior and physical inactivity have become the norm. As a result, we are living longer but with potentially more health problems, limiting our daily activities and reducing our quality of life.
Gains in muscle mass are driven by many workout variables. One of these variables is the tempo, which is the speed at which each repetition is performed. How does tempo influence muscle gains ?
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